Code of Hammurabi Situations

Compiled and Illustrated by.
Phillip Martin
Copyright 1998 and revised 2011

Below are situations Hammurabi faced.  Decide what you think to be a fair way to deal with the problem. You may complete 5 out of the 8 Problems for full credit.

at should be done to the carpenter who builds a house that falls and kills the owner?

What should be done when a “sister of god” (or nun) enters the wine shop for a drink?

What happens if a man is unable to pay his debts?

What happens to the wine seller who fails to arrest bad characters gathered at her shop?

What should be done about a wife who ignores her duties and belittles her husband?

What should be done if a son is adopted and then the birth-parents want him back?

What should happen to a boy who slaps his father?

How is the truth determined when one man brings an accusation against another?

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